Sports psychology principles applied to your needs.

Personalized plan
Individual sessions allow Karl to perform an assessment and tailor a success plan to you, your struggles, and your sport. Whether it be issues with performance anxiety, loss of confidence and motivation, fear of re-injury, or lack of focus, Karl can help you get back to enjoying - and succeeding at - the sport you love.
He will support you through your progress as an encouraging and calm mentor, ready to help you remove any mental roadblocks along the way. The tools you gain to cultivate a strong mindset with Karl will help you navigate problems both on and off the field.
Mindset shift
Teamwork coaching is perfect if your whole team is in need of a mindset shift. Attitude is one of the most important factors on any team, and when one player is struggling, the whole team struggles.
Karl will work with you to improve group dynamics as well as establish and foster a culture of support and trust. He’ll apply sports psychology principles to address issues with leadership, values, norms, and more. As an integral part of the culture, coaches are welcome additions to team sessions.

Sports Psychology Education
For those in need of a fast and comprehensive approach to the mental side of sports performance, presentations are the way to go. Open to athletes, coaches, trainers, parents, and sports medical personnel, Karl will present the need-to-know details of mindset training and athlete mental health.
The goal of these presentations is to educate, and they can cover a range of sports psychology principles like stress management, performance anxiety, confidence building, overcoming mental blocks, and recognizing the signs when an athlete is mentally struggling.